What is clinometer ? Uses of clinometer and Working Principle

Measurement is something which is very much necessary in engineering department because it actually shows us the mirror of our work.

Whether we have done a job right or not it only clarifies with the help of measuring instruments.
And thus in this scenario, clinometer is an instrument which standout in this business. This is because of its versatility in different professions.

So, here in this article we will discuss about the clinometer also known as inclinometer.

What is Clinometer?


Clinometer is a device which is used to measure angles of slopes, irregularities, elevations or depressions etc. It is also widely known as inclinometer. It can be used in different professions.
Specially, In the metrology, surveying and manufacturing field, clinometer is needed quite badly.

Uses of clinometer

A clinometer is used to determine exact and accurate measurements as they relate to inclination, height and distance.

One of the most common applications of an inclinometer is related to the measurement of angles as they relate to the inclination of natural features or buildings and other human construction projects.
The goal is to measure the angle by eye towards identifying any incline with respect to gravity that is involved. An inclinometer can be used to measure both slopes and dips, based on the requirements of the user doing that measurement.

Along with slope measurement, the inclinometer is also used in forestry. When measuring natural formations occurring in forested areas, the inclinometer is also used as a means of measuring the height of trees. Using the directional beam emitted by the device, it is possible to determine the height without using conventional means of actually measuring the tree.

A clinometer is also useful for meteorologists who want to measure cloud height at night. Again, using the straight beam of light that the device emits, it is possible to focus the beam on a spot on the clouds and measure how far from Earth’s surface the cloud formation currently is.

This can help a meteorologist accurately predict a number of different weather conditions.

clinometer is used for

A clinometer is a device used for measuring angles of inclination, or slopes. It is commonly used in surveying and construction to measure the incline of a surface, such as a hill or building. Clinometers can be analog or digital and can be handheld or mounted on a tripod. They are also commonly used in outdoor activities such as hiking, climbing, and skiing to measure the steepness of a slope.

Who uses a clinometer?

Clinometers are used by a wide range of professionals and enthusiasts. Some of the main groups that use clinometers include:

  • Surveyors: Clinometers are commonly used by surveyors to measure the slope of the land and determine elevations.
  • Engineers and Construction Workers: Construction workers and engineers use clinometers to measure the incline of a building or structure, ensuring that it is level and safe.
  • Hikers, Climbers, and Skiers: Outdoor enthusiasts use clinometers to measure the steepness of slopes and determine the level of difficulty of a hike or climb.
  • Architects: Architects use clinometers to measure the slope of a roof for designing and safety purposes.
  • Forest workers: Clinometers are commonly used by forest workers to measure the slope of the land and determine the best way to harvest or plant trees.
  • Geologists: Geologists use clinometers to measure the angle of dip of rock layers or bedding planes in the field.
  • Biologists and Ecologists: Biologists and ecologists use clinometers to measure the slope of a terrain and evaluate the exposure to sunlight in order to understand the distribution and survival of plants and animals.
  • Navigators and sailors: Clinometers are used to measure the angle of list of a ship and to determine the slope of the sea.

Working Principle of clinometer

The inclinometer is a special case of using a spirit level to measure the inclination of a surface with respect to the basic horizontal plane in the vertical plane in an extended range.

The main functional element of the inclinometer is a sensitive spirit level mounted on a rotating disk that carries a measuring ring with a horizontal axis supported in the housing of the instrument.

The spirit level bubble is in its center position when the inclinometer is placed on a horizontal surface and the dial scale is in the zero position. If the inclinometer is placed on an inclined surface, the bubble deviates from the center.

It can be brought to the center by turning the disc. The rotation of the disc can be read on the scale. It represents the deviation of the surface over which the inclinometer is placed from the horizontal plane.

So, that was the brief explanation about clinometer. We have discussed about definition of clinometer, uses of clinometer and it’s working principle. Hope you all like this content. If this was a little bit helpful for you, then kindly do share this with your friends. If you have any queries or suggestions then comment us below.

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1. At which part spirit level is present in the clinometers?

On a rotary member

2. At which interval, circular glass is divided in Hilger and Watts type clinometers?


3. Which of the following is not a common function of clinometers?

Checking relief angles on small cutting tools

4. What is the range of readings which can be read directly in precision microptic clinometer?

0 to 360°

5. Which of the following is used to illuminate scale in precision microptic clinometer?

An integral low voltage lamp

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