FLUID MECHANICS – Important MCQs | Set 1 – Mechanicaltalks

FLUID MECHANICS – Important questions ( MCQ) | Set 1

Here are top 20 important MCQs of fluid mechanics. Read the questions carefully and try to answer all of them from your own.

Q1. Fluid is a substance which offers no resistance to the change of 

(a.) Pressure

(b.) Flow

(c.) Shape

(d.) Volume

(e.) Temperature.

Q2.  An ideal flow of any fluid must fulfill the following

(a.) Newton’s law of motion

(b.) Newton’s law of viscosity

(c.) Pascal’s law

(d.) Continuity equation

(e.) Boundary layer theory.

Q3.The volumetric change of the fluid caused by a resistance is known as

(a.) Volumetric strain

(b.) Volumetric index

(c.) Compressibility

(d.) Adhesion

(e.) Cohesion.

Q4. Density of water is maximum at

(a.) 0°C

(b.) 0°K

(c.) 4°C

(d.) 100°C

(e.) 20°C.

5. Property of fluid by which its own molecules are attracted is called

(a.) Adhesion

(b.) Cohesion

(c.) Viscosity

(d.) Compressibility

(e.) Surface tension.

Q6. Mercury does not wet the glass tube. This is due to property of liquid known as

(a.) Adhesion

(b.) Cohesion

(c.) Surface tension

(d.) Viscosity

(e.) Compressibility.

Surface tension

7. The property of a fluid which enables it to resist tensile stress is known as

(a.) Cohesion

(b.) Surface tension

(c.) Adhesion

(d.) Viscosity

(e.) Compressibility.

Q8. The specific weight of water is 1000 kg/m^3

(a.) At normal pressure of 760 mm

(b.) At 4°C temperature

(c.) At mean sea level

(d.) All of the above

(e.) None of the above.

Q9. When the flow parameters at any given instant remain same at every point, then flow is said

(a.) Quasi static

(b.) Steady state

(c.) Laminar

(d.) Uniform

(e.) Static.

10. Which of the following is dimensionless

(a.) Specific weight

(b.) Specific volume

(c.) Specific speed

(d.) Specific gravity

(e.) Specific viscosity.

Q11. The tendency of liquid surface to contact is due to the following property

(a.) Cohesion

(b.) Adhesion

(c.) Surface tension

(d.) Viscosity

(e.) Elasticity.

Q12. The surface tension of mercury at normal temperature compared to that of water is

(a.) More

(b.) Less

(c.) Same

(d.) More or less depending upon size of glass tube

(e.) None of the above.

Q13. For very great pressure, viscosity of most gases and liquid

(a.) Remains same

(b.) Increases

(c.) Decreases

(d.) Shows erratic behaviour

(e.) None of the above.

Q14. A fluid in equilibrium can’t sustain

(a.) Tensile stress

(b.) Compressive stress

(c.) Shear stress

(d.) Bending stress

(e.) All of the above.

Q15. Viscosity of water in comparison to mercury is

(a.) Higher

(b.) Lower

(c.) Same

(d.) Higher/ lower depending on temperature

(e.) Unpredictable.

Q16. The bulk modulus of elasticity with increase in pressure

(a.) Increases

(b.) Decreases

(c.) Remains constant

(d.) Increases first up to certain limit and then decreases

(e.) Unpredictable.

Q17. Surface tension has the units of

(a.) N/ m^2

(b.) N/m

(c.) NM

(d.) Newtons

(e.) N/m^3

Q18. The stress strain relation of the newtoneon fluid is

(a.) Linear

(b.) parabolic

(c.) Hyperbolic

(d.) Inverse type

(e.) None of the above.

Q19. Kinematic viscosity is dependent upon

(a.) Pressure

(b.) Distance

(c.) Density

(d.) Flow

(e.) Level.

Q20. Which of the following meters is not associated with viscosity

(a.) Redwood

(b.) Saybolt

(c.) Engler

(d.) Orsat

(e.) None of the above.

That was the top 20 MCQs part 1 of fluid mechanics. These are the most important questions for government examinations.

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